I mentioned that Doug Fine cites harvestingrainwater.com, which is Brad Lancaster's web site. Lancaster will indeed be giving another lecture this fall. Details are below (copied from the Community Academy Brochure: http://www.aa.edu/ftpimages/109/download/Community%20Academy%20Broch%20Fall10%20(2)%20(2).pdf)).
Thursday,October 7 (6:30-7:30 pm)
HarvestingWater and More To Turn “Wastes” Into Resources: The Story of Rain Beer, Urban Drool Harvesting, Managing Mega-Cities Like Forests and More.
Brad Lancaster
Music Building, Performance Hall (Albuquerque Academy Campus)
This dynamic talk looks into how we tend to mismanage our most precious resource: water. Examples and case studies will be used to illustrate how one can sustainably enhance water, energy, and food resources at home, in our communities, and beyond. In addition, Brad will cover water-harvesting from dirt roads, Portland’s Sustainable Stormwater Program, green burials, an urban farm irrigated solely by rain and stormwater. Monetary savings associated
with each example are dramatic, and these practices simultaneously enhance local resources and quality of life. Best of all, you can do the same! Brad Lancaster has run a permaculture consulting, design, and education business focused on sustainable landscaping approaches since 1993. Together with his brother, Brad harvests over 100,000 gallons of rainwater a year on a 1/8 acre urban lot into living air conditioners of food-bearing shade trees, abundant gardens, and thriving landscaping that incorporates wildlife habitat. Brad is also the author of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, an accessible resource that explains what water harvesting is, how to do it appropriately, and how to modify it to the unique conditions of everyone’s own site.
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